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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Bilingual Classroom Instructional Aide07/25/2024ParaprofessionalMiddle SchoolApply
Classroom Instructional Aide - High School07/25/2024ParaprofessionalHigh SchoolApply
Teacher - High School Geometry07/24/2024Classroom TeacherHigh SchoolApply
Police Officer (full-time)07/22/2024Police DepartmentSHEPHERD ISD POLICE DEPARTMENTApply
Bilingual Receptionist07/13/2024ParaprofessionalSHEPHERD PRIMARY SCHOOLApply
Intermediate Special Education Classroom Instructional Aide07/10/2024ParaprofessionalIntermediate SchoolApply
Bus Driver07/05/2024TransportationTransportationApply
Secretary for Transportation07/03/2024TransportationTRANSPORTATIONApply
Substitute Teacher/Para (District)06/30/2024SupportDistrict WideApply
Bilingual Classroom Instructional Aide06/30/2024ParaprofessionalIntermediate SchoolApply
BASE Teacher Special Education06/25/2024Classroom TeacherMiddle SchoolApply
Teacher - HS Social Studies06/19/2024Classroom TeacherHigh SchoolApply
General Maintenace Worker06/18/2024MaintenanceMAINTENANCEApply
Teacher - High School Math05/23/2024Classroom TeacherHigh SchoolApply
Police Officer (Substitute/Part-Time)04/10/2024District SupportDistrict WideApply
Substitute Bus Drivers04/01/2024TransportationTransportationApply
Custodian03/28/2024SupportCustodial ServicesApply
High School: Math POOL 2024-202503/27/2024Classroom TeacherSHEPHERD HIGH SCHOOLApply
High School: Social Studies POOL 2024-202503/27/2024Classroom TeacherSHEPHERD HIGH SCHOOLApply
High School: Science POOL 2024-202503/27/2024Classroom TeacherSHEPHERD HIGH SCHOOLApply
Intermediate: Grades 3-5 Teacher POOL 2024-202503/27/2024Classroom TeacherSHEPHERD INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLApply
Special Education: Teacher Elementary POOL 2024-202503/27/2024Classroom TeacherSpecial EducationApply
Teacher - HS Science POOL 2024-202503/23/2024Classroom TeacherHigh SchoolApply
Bilingual Elementary Teacher-$12,500 stipend03/17/2024Classroom TeacherDistrict WideApply
Intermediate: Math Teacher 3-5 POOL 2024-202503/12/2024Classroom TeacherIntermediate SchoolApply
Early Learning Center Substitute Teacher (ELC Only)03/04/2024SupportDistrict WideApply
Food Service Worker - SUBSTITUTE02/15/2024Food ServiceDistrict WideApply